24 August 2008

Summer Drawing

Right, I've been away now for.. A long time, a thick layer of dust has settled on my blog, but I'm back and I'm blowing all the dust away.. Now that I'm moved in to my new flat, as well as having a new scanner to scan in drawings I can finally get around to posting all the things I've been working on this summer.

First Up a Sketch of the Building I spent most of my time in, GSRB II on Duke Universities West Campus

A sketch of my once again messy desk, I did this one on a day when it was rainy and so I couldnt really bother to go out to draw unless I you know, wanted to be killed by rain.. But since I do not fancy death by rain I decided not to

Same day, rainy and dreary so I decided to draw the living room, the chair is the only thing I dont like about this drawing but ultimately I think it was to just keep me from being completely rusty when the new term began.

A friend and I decided to enter this drawing thing on a website and the first was to draw your favorite videogame character well I chose Joanna dark from the Game Perfect dark, unfortunately it looks like I did this drawing in the dark so lets just move on..

This drawing I spent 2 days on, really just 2 hours, because thats how long I had for lunch, its the building across from mine, and looks rather like mine, but thats MSRB I or II I cant recall, but it also houses the Human Vaccine Institute so go figure..

This was a drawing I did on my first day of work because they told me they didnt have anything I could do with out a computer and to occupy myself so I sat about and drew for abit...

This is one of the last drawings I did this summer as it was nearly time to move but its a co-worker of mine, hard at work.. I myself was not that hard at work but whatever..

1 comment:

suzanne cabrera said...

Yay Kevin! These are great. I especially like the one of the building that looks kinda like the building you worked in this summer but isn't the building you worked in this summer. Fantastic job with the shading.