05 February 2008

Detail Drawings

These detail drawings were fun I enjoyed doing them, I decided for most of mine that I would focus on the detail of the changes in value on things which is why there is so much hatching going on. I think the phone turned out especially well, my laptop display hinge looks pretty good too and I was really trying to show that detail of how that fit in so snuggly with the rest of the computer. I think it looks pretty good. The xbox controller I like simply because of the angle at which I drew it, the shadows cast by the thumb stick came out really well in my opinion and I think I showed that the buttons are not just flush with the controller but rather bubble off the surface.

My apologies on the scans, something is abit off with my scanner, I will be rescanning them when I get to studio tomorrow. I tried to edit them in photoshop unfortunately it was a no go so rescans tomorrow look for them then!


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