14 September 2008

So much work but worth it!

I drew the ceiling the other day I suppose really because it looked intresting and I thought I might as well do a drawing, what more reason could you know.

I went ahead and drew out my final model of the bus shelter, we were discussing it and so I drew it out to I suppose stroke my own ego.

Another idea for a bus shelter I had, it mimics the 3 stained glass windows from the church across the street and is very sculptural to fit into the context of being nearby a museum.

I drew some peoples projects as well and I also having read through "Color Drawing" book I tried to draw the foliage as they recommened and I'm actually pretty impressed with how it turned out.

Quick sketch of what our site looks like from a birds eye perspective. Just so when I went back to work on my models later I could remember about the size things could be before they were running into buildings or streets.

Thats all I really have to show right now, Maybe I'll go out and do some more since everyone I know seems to be off doing something else this weekend.. but then again I can surely use this time to get fully caught up with some of the other million things I have to do in second year. Exhausting but worth it in the end, at least thats what I'm telling myself this for now!

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