08 December 2007

graphic design

So when told I needed to research graphic design my mind immediately thought of adverts, but after a quick stop to the interweb I learned that graphic design is everywhere, our album covers, news papers and even the hand outs our professors give us. So with my 10 I planned to draw from as many different things as possible.

First up I thought I'd start with an advertisement and what better example of memorable graphic design than, one of apples adverts. Apple for a few years has been advertising ipods using a black silhouettes holding a white ipod. The contrast of the all black figure and the white ipod draws the eye to the ipod since it is the lightest thing on the screen, combined with the catchy modern music playing the background it makes the advert memorable. The background is a solid and static drawing more attention to the figure in motion and thus back to the ipod. This particular advert is showing off Apple's Ipod shuffle and thus a shuffle logo moves through the view and gives you a logo to go with the product for your ability to recognize it. A very well done advert and example of graphic design in progress.

Apple: http://www.apple.com

next up under the guidance of a friend in the graphic design field he recommended I use the "abc" logo. Designed but a man he considered to be the greatest thing in graphic design Paul Rand the logo is an example of the Bauhaus movement. Its round shape at the time was considered different from the geometrics of the art deco that came before it, and thus stood out at the time and still does. The logo is easily recognizable which is what makes it I believe to be a good example of graphic design.

ABC Logo: Created by Paul Rand

How about this time an album cover, so what album will I use, something unique or something just plain out there. I'll go with something unique for this example I will use one of my personal favorite albums, "Signs of Life" by Poets of the Fall I feel is a good example of graphic design as it would most likely catch ones eye due to a number of things. The front of it looks aged and thus old which generally would make it stand out from the crisp clean edges of ost albums. Again the contrast here as the blueish background contrasts the bands red moth logo and name printed in white.

Poets of the Fall: http://www.poetsofthefall.com

Another piece of graphic design now would be our magazine covers. Such as Rolling Stone, I chose a magazine cover because they had to design text around an image and Rolling Stone is an excellent example of hierarchy in graphic design. This paticular image features the band Green Day, its important to note that the hierarchy here places Greenday in the middle of the hierarchy, the logo for the Rolling Stone is covered by the band but the text highlighting the features of the issue are ahead of it. The background provides some contrast to draw more attention to the band and text.

Rolling Stone: February 2005

another album cover now this one by the Logistics called "Release the Pressure" again the contrast makes this one stand out as the black makes the colors stand out more. the triangular shapes constrast the square shape of the actual case. The text also has contrast, since the album's name is bolded out while the bands name is just a normal size.

This next piece is a movie poster. "The Golden Compass" recently released into the cinemas the posters functioning as adverts for it I think are not necessarily well designed but are not done poorly either. Really the Poster is quite well planned by what really bothers me is the hierarchy of scale on the text is off. The text is at the very front of the poster which is fine, but their is only one difference between the two sets of text and that is the size, the title is larger but the slogan thing may have been better off with a different font, one that did not have the serifs, the point is you can still tell the title from the rest but it would have drawn more eyes to the title first.

I decided I'd search about the web for some graphic designers and critique some of their work. this one comes from a designers website, the company known as Net Intelect. They designed some sort of information sheet for a Belkin USB bluetooth adapters. The design is pretty good, with the objects contrasting enough with the background to stand out. However the Belkin logo does not stand out nearly as much as I think it should. Perhaps a change in background color to a lighter hue would have been better.

Next up is an ad campaign used by the NHS to warn about the dangers of STI's the advert it self is the advert it self stands out thanks to its odd shapes surrounding the text. It appears very modern. But most striking is the contrast from a monochromatic colour scheme to the sunglasses on the figure which feature a bluish tint and colour. this makes the informative text stand out more and also relaxes the person due to the calm colour.

From: the usual studio

Now I'm an avid gamer, so I guess it would only be appropriate I use some video games box art is often a good example of graphic design as box art may be the thing that sells a game to a consumer. The game art I have selected is from a recently released title called Assassin's Creed. I think the design is well done as the contrast of hte figure to the background makes him appear to be coming right out of the box. This provides an area where further detail can be seen in the figure keeping the eye on it.

Finally tonight I bring you one final piece of graphic design another bit by apple. Another ipod advert this time just a still print. Again the black shillohuette figure makes an appearnce, holding the distinctive ipod which stands out as it is the only thing in the advert with out a colour. Another thing which some what noticable on this advert though is the distinctive apple log and product name situated up in the top left just as though you were reading a book or magazine you would read the title first most likely and then see the product, thus creating an impression in your mind. Brilliant graphic design in my opinion because it imprints the products name in your mind.

Apple: http://www.apple.com

Right with all that being said, I'm not quite sure if this fits the bill for the design research on graphic/media design but I believe it does. All the examples here are creative properties of the creators and have been credited where needed

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