05 November 2007

Illustration Friday: Hats

This is my first time doing Illustration friday let alone vector, so please be nice!

So I had thought I would post my shaded pencil sketch of my boyfriends Prom King Crown but then I decided I wanted to do something different so I instead chose to try out a Vector style that I have seen alot on other websites and really just wanted to try out for myself. I think it turned out rather well, I used a Police Womans hat from West Yorkshire. I liked how it turned out, in fact the only part I really dont like is the checkerboard pattern because it was very tedious to do as each of those shapes had to be drawn individually and they still dont look very correct. I still like it and hope to continue to work with this technique in the future.

I probably should have been scanning in my shading assignment but I needed something fun to do today.. sorry! check back soon

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