20 November 2007

People Drawings (again)

Not to shabby this time, although I still have what I hate about every single one.
This drawing of my good mate, Zach is okay I guess except I ran out of time to get his face shaded in, which is what I think makes me think the drawing is rubbish since everything else seems to have a certain degree of light and then his face looks like the light source, I thought about just scribbling in some shade but I just couldn't be buggered by it and I also thought that I would only ruin the drawing more.

Now this drawing I guess inst so bad except.... TUMBLING TEXTBOOKS BATMAN! she has no feet, what devious character would steal a persons feet... Oh wait no, I just forgot to draw them, how on earth did I forget to draw her feet, how do you get so absorbed you forget some feet?? I do not know the answer to that question but other than that and her arms lack of shading (again time limits) I would say she turned out pretty good, her face does reflect the light she was receiving and all.

Thats all I have for now, so..


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