15 April 2008

I've been playing with my markers again...

As my title suggests, I've been coloring, really using marker paper, retracing drawings from my sketch book and using markers there, because I'm so afraid I'll ruin drawings that I like before I add color, thus far I've been kind of impressed with myself and my coloring. Let me know what you think, faithful.... reader (I'm convinced there is only one person looking at this, mostly because she has too.. HI SUZANNE!)

As you can see, my bench sitting, woman who looked angry has made her second apperance, this time in glorious Kevi-color! A new coloring system that is taking the world by storm.

I also have a colored version of a drawing that we did today at the EUC. From the second floor you get a really good view of the corridor where all those college organizations ask you to sign their petition, or give them more money.

Now its by no means as good as the work that Suzanne did but I do like it, and the color seems to have turned out pretty well. I believe the shadow from the column hitting the wall to be the most successful part. Cant wait to go back and try again, this time I believe I use a more technical perspective technique. I will not be defeated by a simple building.. Next time EUC, next time.

1 comment:

suzanne cabrera said...


You really make me laugh..

Love this post and your commentary. I may just have to employ some "Kevi-color" in my own drawings. I especially love the impact it made on the once somber bench sitter.

I know this sounds extremely cliche...but believe me when I say I write this in all honesty...we really are the worst critics of our own work. I, for one, have looked at my own EUC post several times wondering if I should take it down off my blog. My mind says "the color is too faded", "it doesn't look professional"...blah, blah, blah. But sometimes, we need to see our work through the filter of another person. Thank you for your comments and keep up the great work that you're producing. It is quite incredible to see the transition from your early drawings to these...